Saturday, 16 March 2013

Welcome (Introductory Post)

Just signed up for this Open Uni Open Education course. Haven't much idea how I am supposed to "tag" this blog but will give it a go. This first section says 4 hours, well, 11:15pm now, so I hope I can return from where I will have left off. Let's see if I can register this baby. #h817open

Well, in theory, setting #h817open as a blogger label should do the trick for the blogger aggregator.

>You explain why you’re studying this course
Signed up on a whim really. I'm trying to decide on a topic for my Bath MA in Education dissertation. MOOCs in secondary education interests me. Having just read that 11% of secondary students have signed up for a MOOC course (Take a free seat in the lecture hall, News | Published in TESS on 8 March, 2013 | By: Michael Shaw) I am intrigued by the potential, current uptake and future uptake of this learning platform by secondary students. In particular overseas/international students. I need to know more about MOOCs and open systems, and by lucky chance stumbled upon this course this evening. There is no way I an commit 16 hours per week to the course, what with full time work and a family, so I will have to streamline it a bit. See how it goes.

>What your background is
I am a Computing/ICT HOF and so the technology of this shouldn't be too daunting (I hope). I've worked through some parts of MOOCs before, had a G&T student complete a Udacity programming course which I never had the time to finish. Currently Computing HOF at Bangkok Patana School, for the last 5 years. Started out working life in electronics design and programming in the UK, System Analysts in France, re-trained as teacher (PGCSE) and went straight overseas. Teaching in Venezuela (2 years), Sri Lanka (4 years), Thailand - Phuket (8 years), Philippines (1 year), Thailand - Bangkok (5 years).

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